21. ADHD Journey - Andrew Robinson

could it be adhd the podcast cover with image of sam milburn and andrew robinson

Andrew Robinson is an ADHD therapist located in Missouri and very kindly agreed to come on the podcast to share his vast knowledge and personal experiences as an ADHDer. Although he wasn’t late diagnosed, early diagnosis of ADHD at age 6 still brought about its own challenges as you’ll find out in this episode.

We talk about:

  • How Andrew displayed the ‘classic’ symptoms of ADHD as a young child and got his diagnosis at age 6

  • His early memories of ADHD medication and the support he received in his 504 plan.

    (A 504 plan states the accommodations for ADHD that Andrew would need. In the US a 504 plan for ADHD accommodations can be used in both school and work to support both children and adults with ADHD. If you think this applies to you then check out more details about 504 ADHD accommodations here in the ADDITUDE online magazine)

  • The stereotyping and stigma of having ADHD in the 90s and how this affected his mental health with a strong sense of ‘being different’

  • How depression and anxiety can be symptoms of unmanaged ADHD

  • Oppositional demand avoidance and how it relates to ADHD and why the term might be unhelpful

  • Anti depressants as a tool for managing emotional dysregulation in ADHD

  • How the DSM isn’t living up to the modern lived experiences of people today with ADHD

  • Misinformation about ADHD online

  • How important accommodations are for ADHD and why we should at least try them

  • Dealing with rejection sensitivity as an online ADHD creator

  • Andrew’s journey into psychology after falling in love with it after years of going through therapy

  • Comparisons of CPTSD and ADHD

  • What Andrew loves about his ADHD

This was such an interesting and enlightening chat – please do go and follow Andrew online to experience his bitesize educational snippets or explore how you could work with Andrew. https://www.instagram.com/neurospicycounseling/

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22. Inattentive ADHD - it hurts!


20. Guest Interview with Nicola Parker on BPD and ADHD