12. ADHD Journey with Michelle Shadvia


When Michelle spoke to a medical professional at age 27 to talk about suspected dyspraxia, she was told she couldn’t possibly have it as she had a masters in coaching psychology!

Michelle has since been diagnosed with dyspraxia, dyscalculia and ADHD, and as a psychologist runs her own business ‘Find your Spark’ to raise awareness around ADHD through running sessions for the public and other organisations, as well as offering coaching for both adults and young people.

Michelle found that signposting to services was lacking and has discovered her life purpose through her coaching practice.

In this episode we dive into:

  • How dyspraxia and dyscalculia have shown up for Michelle

  • Working with our neurodivergences

  • How the lack of awareness around ADHD in schools still needs improvements

  • How there is still a huge gap between what we we’re told ADHD is versus what ADHD actually is

  • Why we shouldn’t be ashamed of our ADHD or neurodivergences

  • Why there is a high proportion of people in prison with undiagnosed ADHD

  • How amazing ADHD can be

Here is Michelle’s website: https://findyourspark.co.uk/

As always, I really appreciate you taking the time to listen to the podcast! Please do leave a review and click follow as it all helps to spread awareness - the bigger we get the bigger guests I’ll be able to invite on!

You can also find me over on Instagram - come and say hey! www.instagram.com/coulditbeadhd_thepodcast



Listen to full episode :


13. Curbing impulsive buying with ADHD


11. ADHD Journey with Emma Kirkham