9. ADHD Journey with Charlotte Mather


This week on Could it be ADHD? I spoke with the lovely Charlotte Mathers who shared her ADHD diagnosis journey. As a late-diagnosed ADHDer Charlotte came across ADHD when she discovered her son was ADHD – a very common occurrence! In fact the statistics online show a very high proportion of parents with ADHD are ADHD themselves leading to experts considering ADHD a genetic condition.

We also chat about:

  • Why being late diagnosed can bring up a trauma reaction and how that shows up later on in life

  • How accepting your ADHD brain’s way of working can actually be advantageous

  • Accepting going with the flow rather than fighting to fit into a neurotypical world

  • Why Charlotte left a senior role in corporate to build her now hugely successful hypnotherapy practice and academy

  • Why we refuse to do anything unless we know ‘what the point is!’

  • Neuro Network, the networking community created by Charlotte and her daughter Erin to support other neurodivergent business owners

  • Our thoughts for anyone who is at the start of their ADHD journey

  • With a few laughs thrown in because we don’t take ourselves too seriously!

It’s always important to remember that our thoughts are our own. If you suspect you’re ADHD or you are struggling with your mental health then please do consult a professional. Formal diagnosis can only be carried out by an expert and some conditions can look like ADHD and may require different types of treatment.


You can find out more about Charlotte’s hypnotherapy practice here: https://www.axiomhypnotherapy.com/ 


Or for more information on the Neuro Network head here: https://neuro-network.co.uk/


Please do follow me on Instagram where I show up most days and come and say hey! https://www.instagram.com/coulditbeadhd_thepodcast/


Listen to full episode :


10. ADHD and acceptance


8. Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria and ADHD