25. ADHD Journey with Maddy Alexander-Grout


Maddy is an inspiration to the Neurodivergent community. Having tried and tested a few business ideas (haven’t we all!) Maddy has now found her love and passion that works alongside and with her ADHD. Maddy shares her (twice!) diagnosed ADHD story about how she came to be in 40K worth of debt, running from the bailiffs, and shares some of her saddest and happiest times.

Maddy now runs a community of over 200 people in her Invisible to Influential membership supporting neurodivergent and invisible illness business owners to increase their reach online and nail their business strategy in a way that works with their unique brain.


We talk about:

  • Maddy’s love for building and nurturing communities

  • Why Maddy got 2 ADHD diagnoses, one privately and one through the NHS

  • How Maddy’s ADHD medication works for her

  • How Maddy came to understand and embrace who she is deep down

  • Why she realised that running her business like a neurotypical wasn’t working for her and what she needed to do differently

  • How alcohol was a big part of her life in her 20s and why she doesn’t drink anymore

  • Maddy’s coaching journey

  • How redundancy pushed her into running her own business

  • Maddy’s money story in her 20’s – 40K in debt, running from bailiffs and risking bankruptcy

  • How her mental health declined after the birth of her first child and what helped her to turn it around

  • Exciting details about Maddy’s upcoming book! ADHD, Money and Me

  • How Maddy works with her neurodivergent strengths and embraces all parts of her including the quirks!

  • Maddy’s advice to anyone who suspects they may be ADHD


If anything in the podcast today has raised issues that you want to explore then please check out these resources:

Mind – the Mental Health Charity https://www.mind.org.uk

Help for Post Natal Depression: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/postnatal-depression-and-perinatal-mental-health/


You can join Maddy’s free community here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/253887535783664

Maddy’s membership (that I’m an affiliate of and part of) here: https://maddyalexandergrout.com/iti?am_id=samantha484

Check out her Money Saving app here: https://madaboutmoneyofficial.co.uk

Find Maddy on Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@madaboutmoneyofficial

And on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maddytalksmoney/

And Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maddy.comrie


As always thank you for listening, I appreciate all of your support in listening to and following this podcast. We’re reaching more people and changing lives so stay tuned!

Head to my Instagram and come and say hey! www.instagram.com/coulditbeadhd_thepodcast


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26. ADHD Journey with Lauren O'Carroll


24. The Default Mode Network